Deciphering the Malay/Muslim Perspectives of Former Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

In his two decades as Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Hsien Loong has been largely viewed as being favourable and commendatory by the Muslim community in Singapore. Notwithstanding the oscillating domestic public opinion of his administration over a 20-year period, his laudable leadership of Singapore, relatability to ground sentiments, and affable personality have endeared him to Muslims in Singapore. (more…)

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The Orang Laut in Singapore: Preserving an Intangible Maritime Heritage

Singapore’s economy has undeniably flourished, with its economic development and rapid industrialisation. Since gaining independence in 1965, Singapore’s GDP growth has averaged about 7%, with an impressive peak of 9.2% in the first 25 years1. This success can be attributed to a combination of strategic economic policies, a robust financial sector, a commitment to innovation and education and many more. Although known for its rapid development, one aspect that is often overlooked would be the rich intangible culture that Singapore has to offer. (more…)

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State of Malay Television in Singapore

If you grew up in a typical Malay Singaporean household, chances are you grew up with Suria TV channel as a daily staple, playing in the background of your home. In the early 2000s when Suria was steadily burgeoning, drama series such as Gelora, Cinta Bollywood, Anak Metropolitan, Erlin Montel, or Jeritan Sepi were household programme names. Twenty years on, Suria boasts about 258,000 Malay viewers in Singapore, and lauds itself to be “the choice of Malay viewers in Singapore [that] offers wholesome family entertainment with both local and regional programmes that are both enjoyable and educational”.1 (more…)

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Navigating Faith: The Religious Experience of Muslim Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore

Recently, the Centre for Research on Islamic and Malay Affairs (RIMA) spearheaded a webinar focusing on the religious experiences of Muslim migrant workers in Singapore1. The webinar addressed several critical issues, including the diverse socio-religious realities of Muslim migrant workers in Singapore, the significance of religious spaces for these workers, and the accessibility of religious education tailored to their specific jurisprudential backgrounds.

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Altruism in Singapore

Singapore, a nation known for its efficiency and pragmatism, also boasts a strong vein of altruism. From the ubiquitous “uncle” or “auntie” offering unsolicited advice on public transport to the robust network of grassroots volunteers, helping others seem ingrained in the social fabric. Is this generosity sincere or does self-interest lurk beneath the surface? (more…)

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Supporting Inclusive Employment: Working Towards Inclusive Workplaces

In the first year of my graduate studies, I remembered feeling awed and intrigued at the same time when my lecturer walked into the classroom. He had visual impairment and was being led by a fellow staff to the teacher’s table. Dr Wong Meng Ee started setting up his laptop, plugged in his earpiece and started his lecture. I expected to learn about special needs in the course but this was a whole new experience of learning as I saw first-hand how he overcame barriers. Dr Wong shared with us his life story and how he had to persevere and surmount many challenges to get to be a lecturer. More than 10 years on, I am glad that we have been moving forward progressively in supporting inclusive (more…)

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Education Reforms over the Past Few Decades: How Best Can Parents Respond?

Singapore’s education landscape has indisputably changed over the past few decades. These changes have been felt at all levels of schooling, and have encompassed not only revisions to subject syllabi but also wider turns in policy direction.

Why do all of these reforms matter to parents of school-age children? After all, aren’t schools and teachers well-equipped to take care of students and guide them through their schooling years? (more…)

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From Singapore to Broadway: Zizi Majid's Journey in Championing Muslim Women's Voices in Theatre

Home to some of the most renowned theatres in the world, New York City offers large-scale productions featuring top talent from across the globe. Shows like Hamilton, The Lion King and Wicked have become cultural phenomena, drawing not only audiences but also other figures in the global theatre industry, including 43-year-old Singaporean playwright Zizi Majid.   (more…)

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Book Review: Alfian Sa’at’s Corridor

“Behind these fantastic stories however, was the faint hope that somehow, I had found someone who shared something in common with me.” (Duel in Corridor)

The elusive human pursuit – or rather, yearning – for happiness has long occupied the literary imagination. From Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina to Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye to Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, existential anxieties plague individuals across the societal spectrum. (more…)

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