Thoughts on English Islamic Literature in Singapore’s Context

    In recent times, we have witnessed increased output of Islamic works in English by Singaporean Muslim writers, mainly non-fictional in nature. This is different as compared to the past, where Singaporean Muslim writers would primarily write and publish Islamic works in the Malay language. It certainly reflects the changing trend within the Muslim community, where English has become – or is almost becoming – the primary language of discourse and communication in socio-religious spaces. Naturally, this trend has been translated into a rising demand for Islamic works in […]

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Book Review: Reviewing the Ideas of Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji

It is often overlooked by the Muslim community in Singapore that we possess a rich religious intellectual heritage left behind by our religious luminaries. Figures such as Almarhum Ustaz Syed Abdillah, Almarhum Ustaz Syed Ahmad Semait and Almarhum Ustaz Ahmad Sonhadji, were prolific authors that left behind a trove of writings encompassing their ideas and thoughts.

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Social Participation for Muslim Seniors

SENIORS HEALTHCARE LANDSCAPE In the present context, the growing concern over Singapore’s ageing population has prompted the government and relevant stakeholders to devise effective strategies for promoting successful ageing among Singaporeans. Successful ageing is characterised by maintenance of high levels of physical, psychological, and social functioning in old age without significant disease. To achieve this, the government has emphasised several important factors for successful ageing in Singapore, including personal responsibility, self-reliance, and fostering strong family and social relations.[1]

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Book Review: The Malay Community’s Post-Independence Experience in Suratman Markasan’s Penghulu

The perception of literature has always been diverse in society. While some perceive it as a medium of entertainment and a form of escapism, there are others who view it as a tool. A tool to bring social change and social reform. A tool to plant seeds of empathy, conscience, and humanity. These perceptions influence how people read and study literature differently. Amidst these differences, it is important that we hold on to a pluralistic view of literature so that we are able to extract diverse benefits from it as […]

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Integrating Muslim Expats & Migrant Foreign Workers into Singaporean Community

The Muslim community in Singapore has never been monolithic; it has always been diverse in a variety of ways, be it in terms of ethnicities or religious orientations. This diversity is acknowledged in our religious sources and traditions, where it is mentioned in several instances about the plurality of society. In the Quran, Allah decrees, “Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may get to know one another.” (Quran, 49:13)

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Humanism in Community Advocation

Community advocation is a term that is of much relevance today – it signifies a continuous and laborious activity with the intention of implementing positive change based on a specific worldview. It is therefore reformistic in its essence. With the advent of social media that brings much exposure to both knowledge and current happenings of the world, it is to be expected that man with his gifts of criticality and creativity would feel called upon to seek change. But creative intellect is not the only factor in the psyche of man for him to willingly bear this responsibility. Such a burden can only be borne by a being that possesses a moral conscience.

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The Intelligentsia of the Asatizah Community

The asatizah in Singapore have come a long way since the post-independence period of the country. Gone are the days where the asatizah were few in numbers, without much support from organisations — who faced challenges of their own — and lacking many opportunities, be it financial or in continuing their studies overseas.

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