He is Different But Never Less

One of the things I most look forward to during each year-end is the Individualised Education Programme (IEP) meetings with my son’s teachers. It gives me a better idea of what has worked regarding teaching strategies and interventions, and whether he has achieved some of the goals we had planned for the year.

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Circuit Breaker Couldn’t Break Us

At the start of every new year, my husband and I would set some common goals for the family. Unlike resolutions which can feel big and often fade as the year progresses, goals seem more achievable and set the tone and intention for the plans we intend to carry out throughout the year.

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Dancing To His Own Beat: A Parent’s Perspective on Autism

Our son Aydan Ziqry has autism. He was first diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified or PDD-NOS when he was about three and a half years old. A person is diagnosed with PDD-NOS if they have some behaviours seen in autism but do not meet the full criteria for having autism. All children with PDD-NOS do not have the same symptoms. For Aydan, his symptoms were mild.

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