With Singapore opening up after two years of COVID-19 restrictions, it almost feels like the country is back to how it was pre-pandemic. Log on to social media or switch on the news, we’ve been flooded with stories of resilience, stories of perseverance, and also stories of love and support. However, we also had to confront an ugly truth – are we as harmonious as we like to say we are?
Read More >Mysara Aljaru
Book Review: Alfian Sa’at Collected Plays Three
Collected Plays Three is the third volume of Alfian Sa’at’s Collected Play series. For the first time, plays that have been written and staged in Malay are translated into English for readers. The four plays in the book consist of Nadirah, Parah, Your Sister’s Husband and Geng Rebut Cabinet (GRC). As always, Alfian brilliantly explores the issue of Malay identity and race relations in this volume.
Read More >Ramadan Stories: Notes After Terawih by Ziks
Notes After Terawih is a compilation of word sketches by Ziks. Her writings and sketches were based on her observation during her terawih prayers done in a single mosque. After deciding to perform her terawih prayers consistently one year, she recalls her experiences by documenting them on her phone before publishing them into a book.
Read More >Rethinking our History: A Review of Historical Imagination and Cultural Responses to Colonialism and Nationalism by Dr Azhar Ibrahim
Colonialism has been a popular topic to discuss around the world from academia to civil societies and even mainstream media. It has been on the tip of almost every Singaporean’s tongue most recently, especially with the Singapore Bicentennial commemoration. But how do we begin to address our colonial history?
Read More >Thai Cave Rescue: Lessons on Humanity
Switching on the television and catching a glimpse of the news might make some people be sceptical of humanity. However, from time to time, the human race reminds us how it is like to be united. Earlier this June, the story of twelve schoolboys and their football coach from Thailand’s rural north caught the attention of the whole world. Millions were glued to their screens as the world went on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Everyone waited for developments of the boys, hoping for good news to be shared.
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