Singapore’s Budget 2024: An Evaluation

INTRODUCTION Singapore’s Budget 2024 was introduced at a time of significant global economic turbulence, aiming to provide a blueprint for the city-state’s prosperity. The budget aims to navigate the balance between fostering economic growth and addressing immediate societal needs amid global uncertainties. This article takes a closer look at the budget’s implications, especially for the Malay Muslim community, and evaluates its potential to address both current and future challenges.

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SG Budget 2022: A Fairer and More Resilient Society

The national Budget speech is an annual  address crammed with numbers and  financial jargon that can be confusing,  making it difficult to be excited about; of  course, with the exception of the  announcement on cash payouts. However,  regardless of its appeal, the Budget affects  us and our finances. Thus, we need to  make sense of it as it is our right and duty  as taxpayers, voters, and citizens to know  how our money is being spent.

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