Changing Mindsets: Addressing Gaps in Mental Healthcare in Singapore

Mental health was one of the priority areas highlighted during the government’s Budget 2017 statement. With a commitment to equip Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs) with the resources to set up more community-based teams to support people with mental health challenges and their caregivers as well as to educate the public on mental health issues, most existing gaps in services can potentially be filled.

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State of Mental Healthcare in the Malay/Muslim Community in Singapore – “Tak Kenal Maka Tak Cinta

Mental health challenges can affect anyone, regardless of ethnicity, socio-economic status or gender. Like other health challenges, prevention is better than cure. Also, like other health challenges, mental disorders can be treated successfully, provided the sufferers and their families understand the factors that contribute to the challenge and take the necessary steps to seek treatment from qualified and experienced healthcare professionals and stay with the treatment prescribed.

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