The Orang Laut in Singapore: Preserving an Intangible Maritime Heritage

Singapore’s economy has undeniably flourished, with its economic development and rapid industrialisation. Since gaining independence in 1965, Singapore’s GDP growth has averaged about 7%, with an impressive peak of 9.2% in the first 25 years1. This success can be attributed to a combination of strategic economic policies, a robust financial sector, a commitment to innovation and education and many more. Although known for its rapid development, one aspect that is often overlooked would be the rich intangible culture that Singapore has to offer.

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Reality of Seniors Living Alone: Context, Challenges and Future Trends

The phenomenon of seniors living alone in Singapore has emerged as a cardinal reflection of societal shifts and demographic changes. Behind this simple narrative lies a multifaceted reality, where Singapore is faced with challenges and profound implications. Such challenges would include accessibility, mobility and health within the ageing community. In a parliamentary session in 2023, it was reported that the number of Singaporean residents aged 65 and above who live alone is exponentially rising from 58,000 in 2018, to 79,000 in 2022[1]. A study done by DUKE-NUS Medical School’s Centre […]

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